Home / BISR Innovation LAB
About BISR Innovation LAB

BISR Innovation Lab (BIL) is a wing of the Bangladesh Institute of Social Research (BISR) Trust, a leading think tank and research organization in Bangladesh. The BISR Innovation Lab aims to generate new ideas and knowledge for pragmatic solutions to complex social and environmental problems which are often unaddressed. The Lab promotes scholarly engagement, collaboration and networking, and professional development of graduates, self-educated, and post-graduate students, and young professionals of social science, environmental sciences, or any other relevant backgrounds from around the world who are highly passionate about research works and pursuing research careers. Under this program, innovation means to develop some new theories, concepts, methods, models, index, indices, scales, indicators, measurement, estimations, new way of doing something, new way of thinking, solutions of a problem, and new programming. An organization needs a culture of innovation without which it can not make progress. There are 4 types of innovation which include, fundamental innovation, breakthrough innovation, sustaining innovation, and disruptive innovation. There are at least scope of three types of innovations under the BIL which include- i. academic innovation, ii. program innovation and iii. technological innovation. Innovation requires four steps: i. a clear gap in knowledge; ii. a demand for that knowledge; iii. a competent person for doing that innovation; and iii. an adequate initiative to achieve that.

Tasks to perform

BISR Innovation Lab (BIL) promotes three types of innovations which include:

Program innovations: to innovate methods, techniques, interventions, etc. which can solve any social, environmental, or technical problem.

Academic innovation: to develop theories, concepts, methods, or models which can solve any social, environmental, or technical problem.

Technology innovation: to innovate applied technology for addressing small-scale technical problems on the ground.

In addition to that BISR shall provide training/support for innovative research grant proposal development which would enable the young people to get involved in the field of innovation.

Methods to follow:

The following methods are to be applied:

For program innovations, field studies, action research, testing of new ideas, and techniques would be applied.

For academic innovation, creative imagination, going from the known to the unknown, and continuous research work to be carried out.

For technological innovation different small techniques would be applied to address some social needs.


We are currently looking for Student Research Ambassadors (unpaid) or Young Research Professionals (paid or unpaid) throughout the world. If you are interested to workwith us, please send your updated CV with references (max. 4-pages) and a motivation letter (max. 1-page) to: bisr.innovation@bisrbd.org . After an internal evaluation of your interest, you will be notified of our decision within 10 days.


Associate membership

  • Have at least one publication in peer reviewed international journal
  • Having an MPhil or PhD enrollment
  • Having an MPhil or PhD degree
  • Have exceptionally proven capabilities

Full Member

  • Having at least one proven innovation like program, theoretical, conceptual, analytical, calculation, estimation, index, ratio, technological innovation, etc. as recognized.
  • If an associate member performs satisfactorily during associate membership and develops any noble theories, concepts, analysis, calculation, estimation, index, ratio, toolkits, technologies, etc. he or she may become a full member.


Have at least three proven theoretical, analytical, calculation, estimation, index, ratio, program or technological innovation.

Emeritus Fellow

Those who have outstanding contributions would be eligible for the emeritus fellowship for lifetime.

Roles and responsibilities innovation lab member

The roles and responsibilities of innovation lab member are to-

  • do innovations in the relevant fields
  • participate in innovation seminar, workshop, and seminars organized by the BISRT
  • Promoting the goals of the Lab
  • prepare quality research articles on accomplished innovative research and publish in recognized international journals.

Benefits of Membership

  • Intellectual support for innovation
  • Periodic seminar and innovative training/workshop
  • Scope to share research findings through presentation Briefing
  • Group works
  • Globally acceptable certificate
  • In some cases, a member can get small grant for field work or other incidental expenses/ honorarium following appropriate procedures and terms.
  • May be eligible for reimbursement of incurred costs associated with the research-related travel and other approved activities within the research budget.
  • Technical support to get research grant from other organizations. The technical supports hereby refers to
    • Assistance to prepare quality grant/research proposal.
    • Eligibility to use BISR affiliation for “professional usage” (e.g., in journal article, and to participant in any research collaboration, seminar, conference, webinar).
Innovation Director: Dr. M. Khurshed Alam
Lab Manager: Ahmed Jubayer
Innovation Associate: Aminur Rahman
Student Research Ambassadors: 1-50

Innovation Achievement

Program Innovations
  • Developed an IGA Mapping model
  • Proposed reserve seats for women in buses
  • Developed a policy for the old-home operation
  • Made the maternity allowance a national program
Academic Innovations
  • Developed a new classification of governments
  • Developed a theory of Muslim social stratification
  • Developed a theory of movement against the government when misgovernance emerges
  • Developed a theory of disaster benefit for women
  • Developed a theory of bulge hunger in case of corruption
  • Developed a theory of poverty reduction
  • Developed a theory for explaining the discriminatory behavior in the case of male and female migrants
  • Developed a theory of transactional bureaucracy
  • Developed a concept of women in D-Box
  • Developed a concept of rational indifference
Technology Innovations

Developed a disability-friendly system that permits a disable person to move through footpath with a wheelchair but prevents a motorbiker or cyclist to use it.

Innovation Blog
Issues that will be covered under this blog include

a. Problems which are giving trouble to people
b. Possible solution to a social or environmental problem

For your query, please contact:

Munem Ahmad Chowdhury
Communication Head

Email: bisr.innovation@bisrbd.org;
Mobile: +8801773620932 (off.)