Research Wing
- Inequality and Social Exclusion
- Marginalization
- Social Movement
- Gender
- Adolescent, Child and Old Age
- Suicide
- Marriage, Divorce and Separation
- Family Disorganization
- Culture and Religion
- Public Opinion
- Women Empowerment and Mobility
- Migration
- Poverty and Income Inequality
- Social Economy
- SME and Enterprise Development
- Microcredit and Microfinance
- Planning, Budgeting and Resource Mobilization
- Transport and Communication
- Business and Finance
- Technology, Production, Marketing & Value Chain
- Industrial organization
- Organization of production
- Social, Agro and Farm Forestry
- Child Labour
- Labour Market
- Labour Movement
- Labour Migration
- Fisheries and Livestock
- Hazardous Child Labour
- Unemployment
- Skill Development
- Labour and HIV AIDS
- Peasant Movement
- Natural Resource Management
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Wetland Management
- Forest Management
- Climate Change
- Disaster Management
- Energy
- Water and Sanitation
- Crime and Criminal Justice
- Cyber Crime
- Crime Management
- Crime Forecasting
- Police Population Ratio
- Law and Order
- Human Trafficking
- Gender and Crime
- Climate Change and Crime
- Rights – Human, Women and Child
- Food Security
- Food & Nutrition
- Preventive Care
- Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
- Reproductive Health
- Community Medicine
- Health Economics
- Maternal Health
- Global Health
- Health Policy & Planning
- Hospital Management
- Epidemiology
- Dietary diversity and Micronutrients
- Malnutrition
- Masculinity and Men's Sexual Health