Home/ International Journals

International Journals

  1. International Journal of Empirical Economics
  2. SN Social Sciences
  3. Current Politics and Economics of South, Southeastern, and Central Asia
  4. Frontiers
  5. Heliyon
  6. BMC Nutrition
  7. Food Science & Nutrition
  8. SAGE journals
  9. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
  10. Asian Women
  11. Environmental Sustainability
  12. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
  13. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  14. Qualitative Sociology Review
  15. Regional Sustainability
  16. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare
  17. Journal of Biosocial Science
  18. Int. J. Gender Studies in Developing Societies
  19. Journal of Environmental Management
  20. The Journal of Community and Social Development
  21. Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development
  22. Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor
  23. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare
  24. International Journal of Environmental Science and natural Resources
  25. Natural Hazards
  26. Working with Older People
  27. The European Journal of Applied Economics
  28. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences
  29. Economics and Business
  30. Journal of Social Economics
  31. European Review of Applied Sociology
  32. World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
  33. American Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics
  34. Climate
  35. Environments
  36. Advances in Asian Social Science
  37. International Research Journal of Social Sciences
  38. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences
  39. Review of Social Sciences
  40. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation (AACL) Bioflux
  41. Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
  42. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management
  43. Climate
  44. Asian Journal of Political Science
  45. Global Policy Journal
  46. Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management
  47. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
  48. Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development
  49. Journal of Ecosystems
  50. Development Review
  51. Stamford Journal of Environment and Human Habitat
  52. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences
  53. ISRN Biodiversity
  54. Journal of Forest Science
  55. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
  56. Asian Social Work and Policy Review
  57. International Journal of STD & AIDS
  58. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
  59. Public Health
  60. BNC Reproductive Health
  61. Man and Development
  62. The Eastern Anthropologist
  63. The Journal of Social Studies
  64. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment