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Welcome To BISR Trust

The BISR is housed at Lalmatia, Dhaka and is constituted as a trust under The Trusteeship Act of 1882. It is governed by a Board of Trustees. Furthermore, the BISR is also comprised of Researchers like Sociologists, Economists, Anthropologists. Environmentalists, Criminologists, Climate Change Experts, Disaster Experts, Gender Experts, Labour Experts, Peasant Experts, etc. who have wide ranging experiences.
The organization follows an Annual Research Plan (ARP) every calendar year focusing on contemporary socio-economic and environmental issues of Bangladesh and also follows Annual Publication Plan (APP) following two phases (Jan-June and July-December) for disseminating its research findings to national and international communities.
The organization conducts multi-disciplinary studies following both quantitative and qualitative methods, technical and socio-economic methods, impart training to the multidisciplinary research teams in preparing, designing and completing research projects. The organization adheres to the need-based and problem-oriented research including action and pilot researches. It is imparting SPSS and research methodology training to officials of different public and private organizations including university teachers and NGO officials.

Aims and Objectives
The organization has five broad aims which include:
  • To organize, conduct and sponsor innovative research to contribute to the local and global field of ideas and knowledge
  • To disseminate knowledge and research based policy options to the policy makers
  • To conduct training and capacity building programs to develop human and institutional capacities
  • To establish and promote close institutional linkages with similar organizations throughout the world for mutual benefits of research and
  • To facilitate the local and global development
  • Nature of Activity

    BISR natures of activity Includes Research Work, Baseline Study, End-line Study, Census And Survey, Impact Study, Feasibility Study, Mid-Term Study, Resource Mapping, EIA, SIA, IEE, EMP, etc. The organization follows the participatory tools and techniques for carrying out the studies; and prefers validation and triangulation method to maintain the quality of the works. Moreover, if necessary, BISR does collaboration, partnership and networking with national and international research agencies.

    Geographical Coverage

    The organization, meanwhile, covered eight (8) broader divisions including coastal, reverie, hilly and plain land areas of all 64 districts of Bangladesh.

    Name and List of Funding Agencies

    BISR Trust carried out survey and census, research, need assessment survey, baseline, end line, evaluation, and impact evaluation studies all over Bangladesh covering both urban and rural areas by various funding agencies.

    Government of Bangladesh (GOB): Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO), Roads & Highways Department (RHD), Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP), Ministry of Labour and Employment, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA), Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW); National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD); Ministry of Land; Ministry of Local Government and Cooperatives, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), National Academy for Computer Training and Research (NACTAR), BANBEIS, IMED, etc.
    International Funding Agencies: UNDP, DFID, DANIDA, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Co-operative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE); Winrock International, Commonwealth Trade Union Council (CTUC), Public Services International (PSI), South Asia Research and Development Initiative (SARDI), Helen Keller International, Shell Bangladesh, etc.
    National Funding Agencies: National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), SSRC Ministry of Planning, Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)
    Other NGOs: BSFF/Katalyst, PSTC, RDRS, BILS, Uttaran, Shushilan, etc.